Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ideas - the fuel for life

I'm discovering that I'm the happiest when I can spend time with new creative, entrepreneurial ideas! I will often get huge, daunting ideas for business ventures or other "life enhancing" enterprises. These give me a boost, a shot of adrenalin, a smile on my face and the happy song in my heart. So, I really enjoy getting these ideas and mulling them over and even making some lists of next steps. Here's the down side of that. I will tend to not "go for it!" I see the obstacles in time, money, relationships (connections) and then will go on to the next thing. In some regards, this is just life, but on the other hand, am I being unfaithful to the world in not pursuing a larger dream?

Perhaps I simply don't cultivate enough relationships in life to bounce these ideas off of. Maybe with a few more conversation partners and connections, I could see how to make some more giant ideas (visions) become reality. Perhaps with some "git r done" people on the road beside me, I could use my God-given imagination to truly bring more good things to life (sorry GE).

Well, that's where I am today. If you have some coaching questions for me to help me flesh this out, by all means - send them to me at: Have an awesome day!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Slowing, Focusing, Paying Attention

After 77 hours of intensive coach training, having been coached for a number of months, and reading extensively in the field of coaching, you'd think I would be slowing down, focusing more and paying attention. That is what I keep practicing and trying to do. But, every now and then, I start to speed up, get in a hurry, skim the reading, skip the details and miss the really really obvious.

The other day, I had to take a document to AAA to be notarized. Here's what happened. I must have been in a hurry in filling out the form to be notarized and took the date March 12, 2007 and entered, March 7, 2007. Well, I got it notarized, sent it off and thought I was done with this project. To my dismay, a few days later, I received a note saying that I should have had March 12, 2007 on the notarized document, so I had to do it over. My initial thought was, "give me a break. Just change the date and make it right." But then I realized, it was my problem, not theirs. I re-did the form correctly, got it notarized again and sent it off.

What did I learn? I still have to be mindful in my daily actions, focus intently on each project in front of me and perform with excellence in a moment to moment time frame. Rushing off to the next project with a trail of shabby performance behind is not good stewardship or efficient use of time. Maybe this is helpful for you!

May you breathe deep the breath of God and be intensely IN the present moment! It's a wonderful present that God is giving you right now! Extravagant Blessings! Charlie

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thinking, Speaking, and Acting like a Coach

Recently, I started a new podcast series on iTunes called Empowering Encouragement Coaching. It is available at itpc:// At this point, it is a mirror site (except for the artwork) of my Charlie's Creativity Podcast Series (

I'd love for you to check this out! My latest podcast is all about my current task of creating powerful questions for various contexts. This was a request from my mentor coach and is creating a whole new me! I am thinking, speaking, and acting in a fresh new way that is helpful, supportive, and taking people to new heights of possibility.

My hope is to use my God given gifts to bless the ministers and members of the Presbytery of Donegal as I serve the Sovereign, Holy and Life-giving God! It is a privilege to serve others and see how powerful questions spur us all on to new ways of crafting the kingdom of God.

If you want to know more about this work, visit my website at:

If you want to enter a conversation about the possibility of a coaching partnership, send me an email - May the Lord Extravagantly Bless You!