Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ideas - the fuel for life

I'm discovering that I'm the happiest when I can spend time with new creative, entrepreneurial ideas! I will often get huge, daunting ideas for business ventures or other "life enhancing" enterprises. These give me a boost, a shot of adrenalin, a smile on my face and the happy song in my heart. So, I really enjoy getting these ideas and mulling them over and even making some lists of next steps. Here's the down side of that. I will tend to not "go for it!" I see the obstacles in time, money, relationships (connections) and then will go on to the next thing. In some regards, this is just life, but on the other hand, am I being unfaithful to the world in not pursuing a larger dream?

Perhaps I simply don't cultivate enough relationships in life to bounce these ideas off of. Maybe with a few more conversation partners and connections, I could see how to make some more giant ideas (visions) become reality. Perhaps with some "git r done" people on the road beside me, I could use my God-given imagination to truly bring more good things to life (sorry GE).

Well, that's where I am today. If you have some coaching questions for me to help me flesh this out, by all means - send them to me at: Have an awesome day!

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